If you’re looking to buy an Acer tree, you’ll find that they are a welcome addition to any garden, known for their attractive outlines and stunning autumn colors. Acer trees, a genus of deciduous trees, are primarily grown for their vibrant foliage, which transforms into brilliant shades in the autumn. Some maples,...
If you’re looking to buy an Acer tree, you’ll find that they are a welcome addition to any garden, known for their attractive outlines and stunning autumn colors. Acer trees, a genus of deciduous trees, are primarily grown for their vibrant foliage, which transforms into brilliant shades in the autumn. Some maples, which are a type of acer, also feature beautiful ornamental bark, adding extra appeal. While acers are loved for their colorful leaves, they typically have small, insignificant flowers that are followed by distinctive 2-winged fruit.
When searching for Acer trees it’s important to consider their growing conditions. Acers thrive in sun or semi-shade and prefer fertile, moist but well-drained soil. Many acers show their best autumn colors on neutral to acidic soil, although they will grow well in most well-drained conditions. Explore our range of acers for sale to find the perfect variety for your garden.
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