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Birds, Wildlife
Habit (Shape)
Hardy (Cold winter)
Height (when grown)
Leaf Colour
Copper, Red
Full Sun
Exposed, Sheltered
Soil Type
Acidic, Chalky / Alkaline, Clay, Most soils, Well-drained
Planted as a specimen tree, Copper Beech (also known as purple beech) are an integral part of our landscape and large parks. Grown for their habit, foliage and autumn colour. Insignificant flowers appear in late spring and fruit ripen in autumn to release edible nuts. A fully hardy deciduous tree, purple beech prefer sun and will grow in most soils. The leaves are oval and wavy-margined, turning a rich copper in autumn. Suitable as an ornamental tree or as hedging.
The nuts are a good source of food for wildlife and a home to birds and small creatures. Fully hardy, likes sun, and most soils. Height in maturity 18m x 13m / 100ft x 75ft. Suitable only for large gardens and parks.
Soil: Most well drained soils. Prefers slightly acidic.
Position: Exposed
Fertility: Self fertile
Leaves: Purple
Habit: Round
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Height and Spread at Maturity: 18 metres x 13 metres
Special features: Makes a wonderful specimen tree. Attracts birds and insects.
Birthday Tree: Year round
Symbolism, Folklore & Old Wives Tales
Gender – Feminine
Planet – Saturn
Powers – Wishes. Symbolism – Oracle and Divination, Prosperity and Pleasant Memory. Magical Uses – Take a stick of beech, scratch or carve your wish onto it and bury it. Your wish will come true if it is to be.
The tree is watered before being carefully packed by one of our experienced staff on site. It comes in a cardboard box lined with straw. (We try to use as much recycling material as possible) The box is addressed to the customer or a specified name and address and sent out overnight delivery to arrive on requested dates.
Please note the size of the tree that you are ordering, as our trees are provided for our clients to plant themselves, which may appear at a small size rather than the fully grown tree as shown in the photos. To find out more information, please visit our Delivery & Returns page.
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