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Gift Wrap (£3.00)
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Blossom Colour
Flowering in Feb, Mar
Habit (Shape)
Average (Average winter)
Height (when grown)
Leaf Colour
Partial Sun, Shade
Sheltered, Some Protection
Soil Type
Acidic, Well-drained
A very lovely camellia with formal double pale pink flowers which are long blooming, often from late winter through spring. Bred in America for cold-hardiness and vigor by the late Cliff Parks, this camellia should be in ever garden.
Lustrous evergreen leaves frame the large double flowers with the petals transitioning in colour from palest pink at the centre to darker pink round the edges. A vigorous compact tree with a natural upright habit, rounding with age.
Camellias prefer an acid, humas rich moist soil, they do like the occasional mulch. Plant where they get light shade or morning sun to protect the buds and avoid all day strong sunshine. Once established, they need little additional care and give much pleasure with their glorious flowers for years to come.
Cultivation: Gardens and patios
Soil: Acid, fertile moist soil- Ericaceous
Position: Dabbled shade, morning sun
Foliage: Glossy evergreen
Flowering: Double pale pink/darker edges. Long flowering
Habit: Compact, upright, rounding with age
Hardiness: Fully hardy
Growth: Vigorous
Benefits to Wildlife: Bees
Height & Spread in 10 Years: 150-200 cms
Did you know: Symbolism: ‘Excellence & Steadfastness’ ‘I shall love you always’ Camellias are a good luck gift to a man….
The tree is watered before being carefully packed by one of our experienced staff on site. It comes in a cardboard box lined with straw. (We try to use as much recycling material as possible) The box is addressed to the customer or a specified name and address and sent out overnight delivery to arrive on requested dates.
Please note the size of the tree that you are ordering, as our trees are provided for our clients to plant themselves, which may appear at a small size rather than the fully grown tree as shown in the photos. To find out more information, please visit our Delivery & Returns page.
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