Gift Wrap (£3.00)
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Each pack of beebombs contains 1000s of seeds from 18 species of native uk wildflower, wrapped in clay and soil to provide a protective habitat and increase germination rates.
They are handmade in Dorset, using zero plastic.
How to beebomb.
Throw your beebomb onto cleared ground, that has access to sunlight and rainfall. They are best scattered in Spring and Autumn and as they are wildflowers can take a year or more before flowering.
The 18 species of flowers;
Common Knapweed
Wild Carrot
Lady’s Bedstraw
Rough Hawkbit
Oxeye Daisy
Ribwort Plantain
Self Heal
Corn Marigold
Yellow Rattle
Common Sorrel
Salad Burnet
White Campion
Red Campion
Common Poppy
Corn Chamomile
Each pack can cover up to 21 square foot.
The tree is watered before being carefully packed by one of our experienced staff on site. It comes in a cardboard box lined with straw. (We try to use as much recycling material as possible) The box is addressed to the customer or a specified name and address and sent out overnight delivery to arrive on requested dates.
Please note the size of the tree that you are ordering, as our trees are provided for our clients to plant themselves, which may appear at a small size rather than the fully grown tree as shown in the photos. To find out more information, please visit our Delivery & Returns page.
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