The flowers of peach plants appear early in the year, normally March to April, so protecting them from frost and cold winds will be necessary to protect any potential crops. Although peaches are often considered ‘exotic’, it is possible to get a great crop come early August with a little encouragement. Due...
The flowers of peach plants appear early in the year, normally March to April, so protecting them from frost and cold winds will be necessary to protect any potential crops. Although peaches are often considered ‘exotic’, it is possible to get a great crop come early August with a little encouragement. Due to very limited amounts of pollinating insects during their flowering period, pollination by hand could be required. Help the transfer of pollen by spending a few sunny afternoons pressing the bristles of a small paint brush into each bloom.
When you purchase one of our peach trees for sale here at Trees Direct, the fruit they are capable of producing is intense in flavour, firm and luscious. Perfect eaten fresh or cooked in baked desserts.
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